Thursday, July 17, 2008

Revolutions Bonfire!

It has been years since I have been at a bonfire at the beach, I think the last time was 2002, when I worked for Old Navy, and we had our annual company beach party! I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it! We had such a great time, catching up with friends, meeting a few new people, and just being in community with other people within our church! Even though, at one point, the tide came up so high so fast we almost got swept away! That was a little scary for me, but it struck a bunch of excitement in the kids! Thank You to the Bambricks for bringing their 5th wheel, so we had a clean place to potty, and most of all, had warm shower water to rinse off the kids! That made the whole experience less drama, at the end of the night, at least for us, with our little miss Destiny, who had sand in every crevis, and hates sand in every crevis!So Thank You again!! I can't wait till the next one!

1 comment:

Rick Bambrick said...

Selina - you are very welcome! It was so much fun hanging out with everyone - including the climax of the evening when the tide came WAY UP.

My DJ name

Your DJ Name Is:
DJ Screamin' Banana